Young For You 让生活充满乐趣前阵子在极品音乐论坛里瞎逛悠,偶尔就发现了这首听起来“贱贱”的但是充满活力的歌——Young For You。 Sunday's coming i wanna drive my car
to your apartment with present like a star
forecaster said the weather may be rainy hard
but i know the sun will shine for us
oh lazy seagull fly me from the dark
i dress my jeans and feed my monkey banana
then i think my age how old,skyline how far
or we need each other in california
*you show me your body before night comes down
i touch your face and promise to stay ever young
on this ivory beach we kissed so long
it seems that the passion's never gone
*you sing me your melody and i feel so please
i want you to want me to keep your dream
together we'll run wild by a summer symphony
this is what we enjoyed not a fantasy
the tin-man's surfing i wanna try my luck
to the top of tide rip like just have some drugs
i know you have no blame for my proud moonish heart
welcome to the golden beatnik park
oh diamond seashore drag me from the yard
incredible sunward i watch as you're in photograph
for camera your smile's so sweet,palm trees' so lush
would you believe my honey it's califonia 这首歌出自北京的一支名为GALA的年轻乐队,唱起PUNK来是不是真有那么一点味道?呵呵。回帖里有些人并不能忍受这种大舌头般奇怪的唱腔,可大多数人还是给予了肯定,其中就包括我。听起来很有意思呵~让人忍俊不禁,感觉整个生活就是这么西皮和搞笑(当然,该认真时还是要认真滴~)。于是乎~就用休息时间边听着这首歌边赶制了一个弹吉他的猫猫,能力和时间有限,只能做成这样啦,呵呵。乐队简介:
Gala,一支北京英式乐队,由苏朵(主唱)、王子(吉他)、木木(贝司)叁个80年代生人组成,成立于2004年1月2日,从磨合到《Young For You》的录制完毕仅用半年时间。
我喜欢PUNK 挺好的,我喜欢这种天真的感觉,不在乎的语调!!!顶有机会你听听我喜欢的 SIMPLEPLAN 的welcome to my life 恰巧听过这首歌的中文版:lol
[ 本帖最后由 九命猫1999 于 2007-9-29 22:39 编辑 ] qweq 的flash做的和这个歌很配呢 哈哈不错 啊哈!~感觉还是英语的更搞笑些,那个FLASH米看到啊?!~
二楼推荐的歌也不错捏~~多谢支持!~呵呵,回来专门开个帖子推荐下:lol Flash?
应该是首歌吧,校内网的链接,我不知道不是注册用户能不能下=,= 很不错的歌 那只弹吉它的小猫好可爱啊;P