Owl City——推荐给夜猫子们听~
http://www.xcdaogou.com/upLoadFiles/Musics/20089301426556.mp3Owl City【注】owl 【猫头鹰,常熬夜的人】来自美国明尼苏达州奥瓦通纳(Owatonna, Minnesota)的大学二年级生,Adam Young,于去年组建了Owl City乐队。他就是这支流行电子乐队的唯一成员,负责主音、合成器和编曲等工作。随之独立发行的首张专辑《Of June》,在2007年的夏天,为电音界吹来一股凉爽的清风。2008年3月18日,Owl City第二张专辑《Maybe I’m Dreaming》问世。梦幻的标题,简洁的封面,如同糖衣包裹的声线和旋律,在这个春暖花开的季节再次捎来令人欣喜的清新气息。曲风是Electronica和Pop的完美融合,似乎又有一点Indie Rock的味道。饶有趣味的歌词有如抒情诗一般的迷人魅力,又颇具美学的魔力。你会惊叹于冰冷的键盘上怎能滑落如此圆润的音符,电子元素的巧妙运用使得整张专辑饱满而不失利落,跃动着生机盎然的温情。Adam Young在他的MySpace上写到,由于失眠的缘故,大部分歌曲都是在凌晨的时候制作出来的。清晨的第一滴露水和青草的芳香,已无形地渗透到Owl City的音乐里,自然灵动的氛围贯穿其中。《The Saltwater Room》和《Air Traffic》后半段出现的女声好像奶油一样,甜甜的与曲子的整体气质都很搭。此外《Rainbow Veins》和《Dear Vienna》也都是重点推荐的曲目。让四月的好心情伴随好音乐蔓延。
他的声音象少女倾诉心事一样温文细气,但对旋律节奏的掌握却十分到位.Of June这张EP就以欢快的电子旋律征服了不少听众,象宝石般闪烁明亮.而首张专辑Maybe I'm Dreaming在演绎方面Owl City显然更加投入,从精致的和声到深情的合唱,Owl City的个人魅力也越加凸现.甜蜜的声线清新的电子音乐,这貌试简单的配搭却被Owl City演绎得绚丽多彩,尽管夏日未到但已仿佛感受到那份清爽的惬意!
啊~挑来挑去,这里就放这首吧——Rainbow Veins,歌词也很好。啧啧,人家才大二啊啊啊啊~佩服死他了>_<代表所有的夜猫子向他致敬!(= =#喂,凭啥你代表?!)
顺便给出Owl City的空间——http://www.myspace.com/owlcity,同样毫无悬念的清新无比~真是个可爱的家伙:-D
Rainbow Veins
——Owl City
High rise, veins of the avenue
Bright eyes and subtle variations of blue
Everywhere is balanced there like a rainbow above you
Street lights glisten on the boulevard
And cold nights make staying alert so hard
For heaven’s sake, keep me awake so I won’t be caught off guard
Clearly I am a passerby but I’ll find a place to stay
Dear pacific day, won’t you take me away?
Small town hearts of the New Year
Brought down by gravity, crystal clear
City fog and brave dialogue converge on the frontier
Make haste, I feel your heartbeat
With new taste for speed, out on the street
Find a road to a humble abode where both of our routes meet
The silver sound is all around and the colors fall like snow
The feeling of letting go, I guess we’ll never know
Cheer up and dry your damp eyes and tell me when it rains
And I’ll blend up that rainbow above you and shoot it through your veins
Cuz your heart has a lack of color and we should’ve known
That we’d grow up sooner or later
cuz we wasted all our free time alone
Your nerves gather with the altitude
Exhale the stress so you don’t come unglued
Somewhere there is a happy affair, a ghost of a good mood
Wide eyed, panic on the getaway
The high tide could take me so far away
VCR’s and motorcars unite on the Seventh Day
A popular gauge will measure the rage of the new Post-Modern Age
Cuz somewhere along the line all the decades align
We were the crashing whitecaps
On the ocean
And what lovely seaside holiday, away
A palm tree in Christmas lights
My emotion
Struck a sparkling tone like a xylophone
As we spent the day alone
[ 本帖最后由 九命猫1999 于 2008-11-28 00:46 编辑 ] 听了没还不错哦! 顶顶```厉害i 很年轻很有前途~~ 我喜欢~~但是现在不是夜猫子啦~~~
作息正常 好好复习喽 我觉得他的萤火充还不错·· fuzzy blue lights和fireflies,fireflies的mv很有意思·· 物有所值,可以考虑哦~~~ 很清丽的声音,很喜欢