St. Albans School / Skidmore, Owings & Merrill 圣奥尔本斯学校 SOM
本帖最后由 飞天2 于 2009-12-13 11:58 编辑cc / Skidmore, Owings & Merrill 2009By Nico Saieh — Filed under: Educational , Selected , SOM, USA, WashingtonIn 2006, with its centennial approaching, St. Albans School, a private boys’ school founded in 1909, decided to embark upon its first new construction project in nearly 30 years. The institution hired Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) to complete a 25,000-square-foot expansion and 30,00-square-foot of renovations to provide a student center, new classrooms, faculty offices, library and auditorium. The school, which had developed slowly over the years and did not follow a rational plan, also hoped that the architects could create a cohesive linkage between four of its existing buildings.2006年是创建于1909年的圣奥尔本斯男子学校建校一百周年。学校决定在此契机,进行校园内近30年来的第一次扩建。组委会邀请SOM公司来设计一个25000平方英尺的扩建和3000平方英尺的翻修工程,以为学校提供一个学生活动中心、一些新的教室、各部门办公室、图书馆以及一个会堂。经过多年缓慢的发展,校园内的建筑并没有形成一个有序的总体规划,组委会希望建筑师可以通过设计,将四座现存建筑联系成为一个整体。SOM looked to St. Albans’ context for inspiration. The school is located on Mount St. Albans, which is the highest elevation in the D.C. area, and on the grounds of the National Cathedral, which were designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. The landscape architect conceived of the cathedral’s surroundings as a cathedral close, outlining a network of garden walkways that he called “pilgrim paths.” These paths guide visitors slowly up the forested hill, revealing framed views of important D.C. landmarks along the way before terminating at the cathedral.建筑师以学校所在的环境作为设计的灵感来源。校园坐落于华盛顿特区最高的圣奥尔本斯山,处于国家大教堂的土地上。大教堂周围景观的设计者是Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr.。 这位景观建筑师将大教堂作为环境的终点,确定出一个步行路网,他称之为“朝圣之路”。这些道路引导人们缓缓地登上树木丛生的山,在到达大教堂之前,将城市里重要的地标沿着这条路展现出来。planting planSOM developed an architectural language around the idea of Olmsted’s paths, creating a series of interior and exterior passages that rise 60 feet, joining St. Albans’ lower campus with its main entrance above. Along this route, , there are gathering areas, whether within enclosed, cantilevered volumes or open-air terrace, offering views of the surroundings and the major landmarks of the Nation’s Capitol. The new extension, at the heart of the campus, seamlessly interconnects disparate internal floor levels and external public spaces, creating better physical and visual connections to the Cathedral, enhancing views to central Washington, and improving circulation sequences. The design shuns the typical campus architecture of enclosed quads in favor of interconnectivity with the landscape.SOM以Olmsted的路径为线索,提炼出了一种建筑语言,创造出一系列高差为60英尺,贯穿室内外的路径,把圣奥尔本斯学校内较低的校园场地和位于高处的主入口联系起来。在这条路径上,室内外的聚会场所、悬挑的体块以及露天的平台,均可以看到周围环境的景色以及华盛顿城市内的主要地标。新的扩建部分,位于校园的核心,天衣无缝地将不同标高的室内外公共空间联系起来,从视觉上和建筑实体上,均和大教堂形成了更好的联系,强化了与华盛顿市中心的视觉联系,加强了空间序列。设计回避了校园建筑中典型的封闭四边形的设计,而是创造出了和景观相互联系的新的校园空间。 The new building itself, known as Marriott Hall, is a three-story modernist building that also very carefully establishes a familial relationship to the neo-Gothic architecture of the existing campus. SOM accomplished this by cladding much of the exterior with a blue stone that closely resembles the Potomac stone used in the original 1909 buildings. Terraced walkways provide places for students to gather and interact on campus, an important part of the institution’s educational philosophy. They also provide direct egress from the building at multiple levels, allowing SOM to forgo fire doors and stairs.这座名为Marriott Hall的新建筑,是一座三层高的现代风格的建筑,它很小心地坐落在新哥特风格的校园环境中,并且成为其中的一员。SOM通过使用和校园内原有建筑所使用的波拖马克石相近似的蓝色外墙石材,来达到和校园环境相统一这一目的。层层叠叠的步行路径为学生们提供了聚会和交流的场所,这也体现了该学校重要的教学理念。建筑师同时提供了很多可以直接从建筑通向各层的出入口,这也使建筑师省去了一些防火门和楼梯。The classrooms themselves are clad in floor-to-ceiling glass. The architects carefully controlled the daylight in the interior by installing a light shelf eight feet up the glass wall. Below that point, the glass has a ceramic frit at 30 percent density; above, the glass is clear. This mitigates glare and heat gain, while allowing full sunlight to bounce off the shelf and turn the ceiling into an indirect reflector. Fluorescent lamps atop the shelf ensure that day or night classrooms receive the same degree of illumination.教室由落地玻璃窗围绕,建筑师通过在玻璃墙内八英尺高的位置设置分隔,来小心地控制室内的光线。在这条分隔以下,玻璃中含有30%的陶瓷成分;在这条分隔以上,则是全透明的玻璃。这种措施减缓了光照强度和热辐射,同时使得天花上可以得到完全的光照,间接地反射到教室内。荧光灯使建筑在白天和晚上,都可以得到同样的光线照度。 回复 1# 飞天2 ding///////////////////