[挪威]扭体博物馆 | BIG
扭体博物馆(The Twist)是BIG在挪威的第一个项目,它作为一个可以栖居的桥梁,以扭转的身姿跨越蜿蜒的Randselva河,为Jevnaker的Kistefos雕塑公园带来全新的艺术体验。作为公园内最新落成的、面积为1000平方米的当代艺术机构及设施,The Twist连接了两个草木丛生的河岸,完善了贯穿北欧最大雕塑公园的文化路线。▼建筑鸟瞰,aerial view ©Laurian Ghinitoiu
▼博物馆以扭转的身姿跨越蜿蜒的Randselva河,the building traverses the winding Randselva river as an inhabitable bridge torqued at its center ©Laurian Ghinitoiu
Traversing the winding Randselva river, BIG’s first project in Norway, The Twist, opens as an inhabitable bridge torqued at its center, forming a new journey and art piece within the Kistefos Sculpture Park in Jevnaker, Norway. Kistefos’ new 1,000m2 contemporary art institution doubles as infrastructure to connect two forested riverbanks, completing the cultural route through northern Europe’s largest sculpture park.
▼连接艺术与自然:设计方案将建筑、基础设施和雕塑融为一体 ©BIG
The Twist坐落在历史悠久的纸浆厂附近,被构思为一个在中部扭转90度的“横梁”,在Randselva河的上方创造出一种雕塑般的形式。公园中的游客一边漫步一边欣赏由Anish Kapoor, Olafur Eliasson, Lynda Benglis Yayoi Kusama, Jeppe Hein和Fernando Botero等国际艺术家专门为场地设计的作品,最后将穿过The Twist完成整个艺术之旅。作为公园的第二座桥梁和自然环境的延伸,新的博物馆在改变游客体验的同时,也使得Kistefos雕塑公园的室内展览空间扩增了一倍。
▼雕塑公园流线,A landscape of sculptures ©BIG
Built around a historical pulp mill, The Twist is conceived as a beam warped 90 degrees near the middle to create a sculptural form as it spans the Randselva. Visitors roaming the park’s site-specific works by international artists such as Anish Kapoor, Olafur Eliasson, Lynda Benglis Yayoi Kusama, Jeppe Hein and Fernando Botero, among others, cross The Twist to complete the art tour. As a second bridge and natural extension to the park, the new museum transforms the visitor experience while doubling Kistefos’ indoor exhibition space.
▼The Twist被构思为一个在中部扭转90度的“横梁”,the Twist is conceived as a beam warped 90 degrees near the middle to create a sculptural form as it spans the Randselva ©Laurian Ghinitoiu
A simple twist in the building’s volume allows the bridge to lift from the lower, forested riverbank in the south up to the hillside area in the north. As a continuous path in the landscape, both sides of the building serve as the main entrance. From the south entry, visitors cross a 16m aluminum-clad steel bridge to reach the double-height space with a clear view to the north end, similarly linked with a 9m pedestrian bridge.
▼夜间外观,exterior view by night ©Laurian Ghinitoiu
▼建筑的两侧都设置了主入口,both sides of the building serve as the main entrance ©Laurian Ghinitoiu
The double-curve geometry of the museum is comprised of straight 40cm wide aluminum panels arranged like a stack of books, shifted ever so slightly in a fanning motion. The same principle is used inside with white painted 8cm wide fir slats cladding the floor, wall and ceiling as one uniform backdrop for Kistefos’ short-term Norwegian and international exhibitions. From either direction, visitors experience the twisted gallery as though walking through a camera shutter.
▼外观细部,facade detailed view ©Laurian Ghinitoiu
▼室内空间覆盖以涂白的杉木板条,the floor, wall and ceiling are clad with white painted fir slats ©Laurian Ghinitoiu
▼建筑体量以扇面的形式轻柔地移动和变化,the geometry of the museum is shifted slightly in a fanning motion ©Laurian Ghinitoiu
▼剖面图,section ©BIG
On the north end, a full-height glass wall offering panoramic views to the pulp mill and river tapers while curving upwards to form a 25cm wide strip of skylight. Due to the curved form of the glass windows, the variety of daylight entering the museum creates three distinctive galleries: a wide, naturally lit gallery with panoramic views on the north side; a tall, dark gallery with artificial lighting on the south side; and, in between, a sculptural space with a twisted sliver of roof light. The ability to compartmentalize, divide or merge the gallery spaces create flexibility for Kistefos’ artistic programming. A glass stairway leads down to the museum’s lower level on the north river embankment, where the building’s aluminum underside becomes the ceiling for the basement and restroom area. Another full-width glass wall brings visitors even closer to the river below, enhancing the overall immersive experience of being in the idyllic woodlands outside of Oslo.
▼北面的画廊拥有宽敞的空间和全景视野,a wide, naturally lit gallery with panoramic views on the north side ©Laurian Ghinitoiu
▼形如雕塑的过渡空间,a sculptural space in between ©Laurian Ghinitoiu
▼全景视野,overall view ©Laurian Ghinitoiu
▼模型,model ©BIG
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan ©BIG
▼地下一层平面图,basement plan ©BIG
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan ©BIG
▼东立面图,east elevation ©BIG
▼西立面图,west elevation ©BIG
▼北立面图和南立面图,elevation-north / south ©BIG
▼剖面图1,section 1 ©BIG
▼剖面图,sections ©BIG
Code: KIS
Date: 18/09/2019
Program: Culture
Status: Completed
Size in m2: 1000
Project type: Invited Competition
Client: Kistefos Museum
Collaborators: AKT II, ÅF Belysning, AS Byggeanalyse, BIG Ideas, Bladt Industries, Brekke & Strand, Davis Langdon, DIFK, ECT, Element Arkitekter, Erichsen & Horgen, Fokus Rådgivning, GCAM, Grindaker, Lüchinger & Meyer, Max Fordham, MIR, Rambøll
Location Text: Jevnaker, Norway
Location: (60.22472419999999,10.372668799999929)