ANT 发表于 2019-10-29 09:57:03


Architects: Kazunori Fujimoto Architect & Associates (Kazunori Fujimoto, Andrea Ferri)
Location: Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima, Japan
Project Planning: 2016-2018
Construction term: 2018-2019
Site area: 461.68mq
Building area: 54.82mq
Total floor area: 111.19mq
Structural engineer: Nishi Structural Consultants (Shinsuke Nishi)
Construction Team: Komatsu Koumuten
Photography: Kazunori Fujimoto

本住宅位于一个正对着濑户内海(Seto Inland Sea)的陡峭斜坡上。置身于住宅中,可以看到宫岛(Miyajima Island)和岛上的严岛神社(Itsukushima Shrine)的绝佳景观。住宅不仅在竖直和水平方向上很好地伸展开来,更以一种谦逊的姿态面对着严岛神社以示尊敬。

▼住宅鸟瞰图,正对着濑户内海,bird-eye’s view of the house that directly faces the Seto Inland Sea


▼住宅南立面远景,向外延伸的南立面外墙、横向的长窗和悬挑的阳台都营造出一种室内空间向室外扩展的感觉,distant view of the south facade, the three-axis direction, by the vertical wellhole, the horizontal split windows, and the extension of the balcony, raise awareness of the outspread space

▼住宅南立面近景,南立面东侧的外墙在水平和竖直方向上向建筑空间的轮廓线以外延伸,close view of the south facade, the overhanging wall in the south facade extends itself beyond the width and height of the house


▼住宅主入口立面外观,exterior view of the main entrance facade

▼住宅一层的卧室空间,开有整面墙的横向长窗,the bedroom on the first floor with full-length horizontal windows

▼住宅一层的卧室,层高较高(左),连接三层空间的楼梯,位于两片墙体之间(右),the bedroom on the first floor with a high ceiling (left), the staircase between the walls, connecting three floors of the house (right)

▼住宅一层的夹层空间,the mezzanine space of the first floor

▼住宅二层的起居室空间,室内空间彰显清水混凝土的质感,the living room space on the second floor with the feeling of faced concrete

▼住宅二层的起居室空间和开放式厨房,the living room space with an open kitchen on the second floor

▼起居室空间和开放式厨房,设有悬挑的阳台和通高空间,the living room space with an open kitchen, an overhung balcony and a double-height void space

▼二层起居室空间的拐角横向窗户,the corner horizontal windows of the living room space on the second floor

▼三层卧室,不仅设有大面积的窗户,还能通过通高空间与二层建立视觉联系,the bedroom on the third floor with large windows, connecting with second floor visually through the double-height void space


▼总平面图,site plan

▼各层平面图,floor plans


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查看完整版本: [广岛]Ajina县住宅