Despite the conservatory training and classical pedigree of its members, Bond's debut album Born doesn't have much to do with classical music in actual fact. It may have string quartet instrumentation and the elegant style of classical music, but the similarities end there. Born is first and foremost a dance album, with electronic club beats pushing the musicians' alternately majestic and ethereal melodies into the realm of dancefloor dramatics. Worldbeat influences are an important component of Bond's sound, with bits of Middle Eastern, Celtic, and Southern/Eastern European folk musics popping up on various tracks. However, appropriated classical themes and a movie soundtrack feel (often courtesy of film composer Magnus Fiennes) predominate. Classical fans will either find this watered down or a great way to hook younger listeners (though that logic is somewhat debatable, since they wouldn't really be listening to classical music in all its complexity); it's probably best to take Born simply for what it aspires to be -- exotic and melodic dance music for a non-purist audience. ---- 由 Steve Huey 撰写
————以上专辑介绍来自网络 专辑曲目:
01. Quixote 梦想
02. Winter 冬季
03. Victory 胜利
04. Oceanic 大海
05. Kismet 命运
06. Korobushko 卡罗帕斯卡
07. Alexander the Great 亚历山大大帝
08. Duel 决斗
09. Bella Donna 贝拉夫人
10. The 1812 1812序曲
11. Dalalai 哒啦
12. Hymn 赞歌
13. Victory [Mike Batt Mix] 胜利 [混音版]
中文名称:穆特-卡门幻想曲 英文名称:CARMEN - FANTASY 资源类型:APE 专辑歌手:穆特 地区:奥地利 语言:德语 简介: 专辑介绍:
不只多数爵士乐评家、更有许多欧美古典乐评家都盛讚其技艺超群的史蒂芬.葛瑞派里,生於二十世纪初的一九○八年。而他最早成名於一九三四年加入欧陆即兴乐团「The Hot Club of France」,此乐团当时不但红遍欧洲大陆,更成为少数受到美国爵士乐界肯定的欧洲乐团。当葛瑞派里一九六九年到新大陆演出,出现在「新港爵士节」上时,他瀟洒的琴音完全掳获了当时仍然非常不容易打入的美国爵士界,乐评更一致给予非常高的评价,此后终其一生,不论葛瑞派里与何种乐器演奏者合作、录音或演奏几乎都成为即兴弦乐界的常胜军、小提琴典范。
Stéphane Grappelli (史蒂芬·葛瑞派里 1926-1997)自学而成的小提琴演奏技巧,融合古典学院派的长处与即兴音乐的自由随兴,使得他能轻鬆悠游於各个不同的音乐领域。在他超过七十年的演奏生涯里,更与各种特殊音色的乐器演奏家展开美妙而富新意的合作,最为人所津津乐道的,莫过於与吉他大师Django Reinhardt的「广泛跨界」(乐风横跨爵士、古典、拉丁音乐)弦乐对话。他与前卫铁琴手盖瑞.波顿(Gary Burton)晶莹剔透的合奏也被乐评家称为「不可思议的音色组合」。一九七三年他与古典小提琴家Yehudi Menuhin合作以双小提琴对奏的方式录製的作品,让《留声机杂誌》Gramaphone大为惊艳,许多古典乐界的小提琴家更对其跳弓、颤音的运用群起模仿,直到一九九○年代,小提琴大师帕尔曼与爵士钢琴大师奥斯卡.彼得森录製二重奏专辑《Side By Side》时,还虚心向葛瑞派里请益小提琴演奏爵士音乐的要诀,葛瑞派里「即兴小提琴宗师」的地位不言可喻。
01. Brahms-Scherzo in C minor
02. Debussy-Sonato for violin in G minor: Allegro vivo
03. Debussy-Sonato for violin in G minor: Intermede. Fantasque et leger
04. Debussy-Sonato for violin in G minor: Finale - Tres anime
05. Mozart-Sonato for violin in E minor: Allegro
06. Mozart-Sonato for violin in E minor: Tempo di Minuetto
07. Franck-Sonato for violin in A major: Allegretto moderato
08. Franck-Sonato for violin in A major: Allegro
09. Franck-Sonato for violin in A major: Recitativo-Fantasia - Moderato
10. Franck-Sonato for violin in A major: Allegretto poco mosso
11. Brahms-Hungarian Dances No. 2 in B minor
12. Brahms-Hungarian Dances No. 5 in G minor
13. Debussy-Beau Soir