【简介】选自Tamas Wells的专集《A Plea en Vendredi》,Tamas Wells既是团名也是其中主唱的名字,这支来自澳洲墨尔本的indie-pop乐团从澳大利亚开始了自己的音乐事业,给墨尔本新兴乐坛带来了不小的情感冲击,通过他的第1张唱片a mark on the pane让他在美国,英国,乃至日本也都有了属于他的听众。美丽的山水音乐,带着感情的歌曲旋律和高超的演唱技巧,让人体会这一份充满春天气息的温馨。
Tamas Wells来自澳洲墨尔本,这位歌手有着一双澄蓝的眼睛,带着些许忧郁气质。尽管Tamas Wells十岁那年没能通过AMEB一级钢琴考试,却是从那时起真正喜爱上音乐。当被人提及他那“毫不做作的天使般的嗓音”时,他说那是一天喝八升水的结果。
根据Tamas Wells的介绍,这首歌写于缅甸北部湿润的雨季,那时他正在参加一个有关艾滋病防治的培训项目。歌词比较费解,Tamas Wells解释他是以意识流的方式,建议大家不要在生活中扭曲了自我。太多的责任感,或者太少的责任感,都会导致如此,迷失了自己。究竟是要承担起责任比如每天为工作忙碌,还是享受一下悠闲的生活比如在泉水边打个盹,就看你怎么取舍了。
Valder Fields出自Tamas Wells发行于2006年3月的专辑A Plea en Vendredi,布里斯班当地的Time Off Magazine对此专辑的评价只有一个词——Stunning,Stunning…4.5/5 stars Time Off Magazine Brisbane
这首听上去似乎平淡简单的歌,充满了春天气息的温馨,如同泉水般流淌 而Tamas Wells轻柔却又不失浑厚的嗓音,有着阳光的味道。听这首歌让我想起那些无忧无虑的校园时光,想起骑着单车张开双臂自由自在的感觉,想起那些背着旅行包四处游荡的日子。
I was found on the ground by the fountain
about a field of a summer stride
lying in the sun after I had tried
lying in the sun by the side
we all agreed that the council would
end up three hours over-time shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights
I was running late, could apply
for another one, I guess
after parking stores are best
they said that there would be delays
on the temporary pay for another one I guessed
after parking stores at best
they said that there would be delays
on the temporary pay she was found on the ground in a gown
laying by the field of the summer asleep
staring at the concrete, trying not to cry
when somebody left his life she would never sleep in a gown
so she takes his keys to the bedroom door
takes a step outside, by the fountain
I was found on the ground by the fountain
about a field of a summer stride
lying in the sun after i had tried
lying in the sun by the side
we all agreed that the council would
end up three hours over-time
shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights
i was running late, could apply
for another one, i guess
after parking stores are best
they said that there would be delays
on the temporary pay
for another one i guessed
after parking stores at best
she was found on the ground in a gown
laying by the field of the summer asleep
staring at the concrete, trying not to cry
when somebody left his life
we had agreed that the council should
takes his keys to the bedroom door
in case he slept outside
and was found in two days in Valder Fields
with a mountain view