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Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center ---翻译 11-18-2009








发表于 2009-11-18 04:00:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center / Bohlin Cywinski Jackson

来 源:www.archdaily.com
链 接:http://www.archdaily.com/40790/craig-thomas-discovery-and-visitor-center-bohlin-cywinski-jackson/

原 文:

      The new Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center is sited between a sagebrush meadow and a riparian forest along the Snake River. Approaching through a grove of spruce, cottonwood and aspen trees, visitors are drawn into a courtyard that provides a calm and intimate place in the vast Wyoming landscape. The proportions of this outdoor space accommodate groups of people for gatherings and orientation. The roof tilts upward and away from the courtyard, its jagged edges celebrating the peaks of the Teton Range beyond.
      Entering through a vestibule at the north end of the courtyard, visitors are drawn into the ‘heart’ of the building; a large gathering hall that accommodates many functions with the magnificent view of the Teton Range as a backdrop. A large concrete and stone fireplace acts as the focal point of the room. Additional program elements including a bookstore, art gallery and classroom are located adjacent to the gathering space.
      The new Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center pays homage to the strong tradition of rustic architecture in the national parks while remaining fully modern in its design, execution and interpretive mission.
      The architecture, landscape and interpretive elements of the new visitor center are carefully and sensitively integrated to provide a rich experience for the visitor.

翻 译:

      Craig Thomas 新的探险旅游中心座落在一片灌木丛草地和滨水(Snake River)的森林之间.穿过云杉,杨木和白杨树林,游客被吸引到一个庭院,这里为游客提供了静谧和私密的空间在广阔的怀俄明州。这种的比例户外空间为聚会和联欢人群提供了良好的空间。屋顶倾斜向上,远离院子,它的锯齿形状的边缘似乎在向远方的蒂顿山脉的欢呼、致敬。
      Craig Thomas 新的探险旅游中心在国家公园内延续保持了浓郁的乡土建筑的传统特色,向传统致敬的同时,也承担了在设计中体现和阐释现代化的使命。新中心的建筑、景观和其他诸多的诠释元素谨慎和精心地整合,为游客提供了丰富的体验。
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